Friday, August 8, 2008

La Tomatina*

Kernels from 1 ear of corn (about 1 cup)
Olive oil 1 Tbsp
2 avocados
Juice of 1 lime
Canned jalapenos – 1 ½ Tbsp chopped
White wine vinegar 1 tsp
Sour cream 1 Tbsp
Cumin ¼ tsp
Tomatoes (heirloom) – 4 medium sized with seeds scooped out (can chop up without seeds and add to filling

Roast the corn in the olive oil (450 oven for 5-10 min)
Dice the avocado, mix with lime juice (1 Tbsp to start) and the remainder of ingredients. May need to adjust quantities based on the size of the avocado and personal taste. When seasoned to taste, fill tomatoes with avocado mixture.

La Tomatina*
*A food fight festival held in Buñol, Valencia, Spain the last week in August: includes music, parades, dancing, fireworks, a paella cooking contest and a brutal tomato food fight

Life story of the recipe: The stuffed tomato recipe contest was announced. I like avocados, roasted corn, and tomatoes. I tested the combination above on friends at a luncheon and neighbors at the kitchen counter. A stuffed tomato was born.

P.S. If you can’t make it to La Tomatina you can eat (not throw) a tomato and visit TOMATO ART FEST.

Kathy Jabs
Nashville, TN

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